Scaling New Heights at AM Discovery Day 2023
Staff across AM Surveying & Block Management provide Block Management and operational support to residents throughout London and the South East. Team AM serve across areas within the company from office based management, triaging planned and real-time reactive repairs reported into AM Mission Control by residents, through to those directly in-the-field attending to such repairs along with Building Surveying consultancy and everything else it takes to smoothly operate managed estates on behalf of our property owners. In other words; team AM is a diverse group with many staff not necessarily regularly able to connect with oneanother across many departments.
AM Discovery Day is our biennial challenge-meeting and beating staff event. Focused on re-grouping as a team, staff collaborate with teammates across all departments to yeild a strengthening of inter-company connections. Delivery of effective Block Management requires daily collaboration and finding solutions to problems, our aim with AM Discovery day is to remind ourselves that by working together we yet more efficiently achieve objectives and prove we can find solutions to challenges arising within our daily work.
For 2023’s AM Discovery Day team AM scaled new heights, literally reaching for the sky at adrenaline-filled Hangloose Bluewater the location of England’s longest zipwire and first ever outdoor skydiving tunnel.
Angela Costen, Credit Controller; "I did it!".
Led by Team Leaders annouced on the day, staff split into teams with each team assigned an AM Brand-Value team-name, team; Collaborate, Development, Stewardship, Reliable and Precision. Staff even get the team-name t-shirt!
Shout out to Team Leaders for the day:
Spencer Charsley - Property Manager, Team Leader of: Collaborate
Frank Burgess - Property Management Assistant, Team Leader of: Development
Sarah Hope - Property Manager, Team Leader of: Stewardship
Sai Suresh Botta - Block Management Building Surveyor, Team Leader of: Reliable
Alicia Carroll - Legal Assistant and Assistant to Director, Team Leader of: Precision
First half of the day found our 5 teams overcoming doubts and fears as they set about conquering action-fueled physical challenges brought by Hangloose’s Zipwire and outdoor Skydive tunnel.
If team AM ever wondered what it is to hit seeds upwards of 50mhp head-first along a 700m zipwire, or, recreate some Mission Impossible Tom Cruise magic, AM Discovery Day is the time to find out!
Accounts department Credit Controller Angela Costen was not initially so sure about the 700m zipwire; "I didn't think I could do it, I thought I was going to chicken out at the top, but no, I did it!"
The slightly more subdued second half of the day brought the team into a company-update and workshop session hosted by Company Director Matthew Mackintosh, an opportunity for Matthew to address all of the team to deliver latest company achievements and conduct a workshop of a future development goal. This year’s AM Discovery Day workshop focused on creating ideas around video advertisements and video promotional material.
Matthew Mackintosh, Director; "I’m proud of all the team for embracing the day, well done!".
Remaining within teams, over the course of the workshop staff produced story-boards for a would-be video advertisement. The finished storyboards, unique insights from those that deliver AM's service - the staff, are thus retained and passed to marketing agencies to assist AM in the creation of video material targeted at potential clients of AM.
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: AM Discovery Day 2023 🎥
Shout out to Sai Suresh Botta, Block Management Building Surveyor, for developing his ideas around the “AM Eco-system” the principle of delivering solutions to residents exclusively using AM’s internal skills and resources; where maintenance tasks arrive into AM Mission Control for initial handling by our office based Block Managers, are passed to our Building Surveyors for diagnosing and are further passed to our Trades Operatives for repairs concluding with a happy resident at the end of a job well done.
Speaking at the event Matthew commented: “It takes many trades to build a house. Efficient Block Management is the bringing together of many different skills to find solutions, the best way we do this is by working together. AM Discovery Day is about reminding ourselves of this. I’m proud of all the team for embracing the day, well done!
Photo highlights from Discovery Day 2023