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Our New Block Management HQ: 3 Features You’ll LOVE

We're Moving to a New 7,200 Sq Ft Modern HQ Building: Penelope House

From March 2025 AM Surveying & Block Management is to be located from new headquarters;

Penelope House

Westerhill Road


Kent ME17 4DH

Watch: 3 Things You’ll LOVE About Our New Premises

After nearly 10 years at AM's outgoing location of 42 New Road, Ditton, Aylesford, it’s time for a relocation to larger headquarters. Penelope House better meets the expanding operations of AM Surveying & Block Management compared with current premises, creating a platform to springboard into further growth.

Block Management HQ
Our new Block Management HQ, Penelope House, formerly Orchard House.

This forever-home-to-be for AM Surveying & Block Management represents all that’s needed to deliver exceptional service to Block Management clients and residents; the modern new premises provides larger work spaces for a growing team, breakout meeting rooms, a spacious client-facing boardroom, plenty of visitor and staff parking, a base of operations for in-the-field departments and even a staff gym for AM’s approximately 50 staff to make use of between times serving residents.

Well equiped Boardroom
Penelope House includes a well equiped Boardroom for client meetings.

Our Block Management HQ Name; “Penelope House”

Formerly known as Orchard House, the building is to receive a re-naming following AM’s purchase and upcoming occupation of the building, but why Penelope House?

On 10th January 2025, AM’s Director and Owner Matthew Mackintosh, and Matthew’s wife Paris, were blessed to welcome their first child into the world, daughter Penelope Rose Mackintosh. Penelope’s arrival is particularly special for Matthew and Paris following a previous pregnancy a year prior sadly ending in miscarriage. With the close timing in the start of these special journeys, what better way to honour them than by dedicating the name of AM’s new headquarters - “Penelope House” - marking the commencement of new exciting company and personal milestones for Matthew and Paris.

Penelope House AM Surveying & Block Management.
"Penelope House" comes from the name of Penelope Mackintosh, born 10th January 2025, daughter of Matthew & Paris Mackintosh, owners of AM Surveying & Block Management.

Welcome to the world Penelope Rose Mackintosh - the complex world of leasehold Block Management awaits!

Matthew Mackintosh, Director
Matthew Mackintosh, Director & Owner (and Daddy to Penelope).

Speaking on this exciting news Matthew comments: “I’m so proud of Paris who has been an inspiration of strength over the last couple of years and what better gift than to receive our daughter Penelope. With the move to our new premises coinciding with the arrival of our baby girl, it seemed a perfect opportunity to dedicate the building to Penelope and I'm so thankful to be able to do that. As for Penelope House, it gives us everything we need to continue our resident-first approach to Block Management. I think of the successful relationship with our clients as partnership and with that, it's my job to ensure we have facilities to deliver the services our clients need. Penelope House lets us do that more than ever before. As an added bonus - architecture of the building even resembles the shape of our logo - it was just meant to be!”

Matthew Mackintosh, Director: “As an added bonus - architecture of the building even resembles the shape of our logo - it was just meant to be!”

The Facilities

AM Surveying & Block Management provide Estate & Block Management services to thousands of residents, leaseholders and property owners throughout the UK. The majority of AM’s Property Management portfolio are developments controlled by a leaseholder-owned Freehold Company, Right to Manage Company (RTM) or Residents Management Company (RMC) where resident-centric service is paramount to a lasting partnership.

All the more then, it’s essential the office premises of a resident-centric company such as AM must boast facilities to deliver the very service required by such residents and this arrives in plenty at Penelope House - with 7,200sq/ft floor area over 2 floors the building even has space to consider meaningful staff wellbeing initiatives including a well equipped gym/fitness space for staff use during periods between service delivery to clients. In addition, the building’s more than 50 parking bays, some of which are electric charging enabled, further help facilitate ease of use allowing AM staff to smoothly deliver client services.

In addition to core management services typical of a Managing Agent, residents receiving AM's service benefit from a range of additional internal services available under the umbrella of AM including; building surveying consultancy, health & safety consultancy, fire door inspection, communal area cleaning, window & gutter cleaning, gardening & grounds keeping and general trades services. This combination of service requires a unique office and operational base - with Property Management and professional services staff requiring office workspace and field-based operational departments requiring a yard, of sorts - where a fleet of vehicles are stored, where waste management can occur and where equipment/materials/PPE are stored. Field-based operational/trade services is a successful and growing area of AM’s service, a move to Penelope House means further expansion in these areas is possible.

With expansion in mind - an exciting new service is to be launched as of March 2025 coinciding with relocation to new headquarters; fire door repairs for leaseholders. Following recent changes in health & safety laws, it’s become a requirement of Managing Agents to inspect leaseholder fire doors and AM begun this from 2023. The process of routinely inspecting fire doors, such is the purpose, has created the discovery of non-compliant leaseholder-owned-doors requiring repair. AM’s Fire Door Repair Service seeks to utilise data obtained during fire door inspection and offer it up to leaseholders in the form of personalised Fire Door Repair Quotations - giving leaseholders a trusted, simple and convenient method to access fire door compliance.

AM Mission Control

At AM Surveying & Block Management we think of the coordination of property repairs and tradespeople - at scale - as matters requiring precision, expertise and utmost care. The idea of precsion-coordinated property repairs at large scale is where AM Mission Control was born. AM Mission Control is AM's home of live tracking of real-time repairs and GPS tracking of Tradespersons, Surveyors and Property Inspectors in-the-field. This real-time data is presented to staff at AM headquarters and proves vital on a day-to-day basis, but especially so during times where reactive repairs are very time sensative. Think of, a downed tree during high winds, residents facing a water supply outage, or a severe flooding - these typically require mission-critical urgent first response and hence AM Mission Control.

AM Mission Control 2.0 will launch at AM's new Penelope House with larger live-tracking screens displaying even more mission-critical Block Management maintenance data to staff helping ensure timely delivery of services to client throughout London, Kent, the South East and all over the UK.

AM Mission Control Block Management.
AM Mission Control: the home of real-time maintenance tracking and repairs coordination at AM Surveying & Block Management.

Founded as a family business, AM Surveying & Block Management is proud to be privately and independently owned by Matthew Mackintosh & Paris Mackintosh with steady growth within the firm arising entirely organically. Matthew and the senior team of AM are extremely excited by the opportunities that come with being based at new headquarters - Penelope House - providing industry-leading workspace for staff and continuing AM's leading Estate & Block Management service for residents.

Specialists in small and large blocks and estates - contact Abbie Johnson, Business Development Manager for a same-day Block Management quotation. Rated 4/5 on Google Reviews, Excellent on TrustPilot.

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